Philtrum Piercing

The Complete Guide for Philtrum Piercing

by selaben83
Philtrum Piercing

What is Philtrum Piercing?

The philtrum is the small, vertical groove in the center of the upper lip.
A philtrum piercing is a type of body modification that involves puncturing the skin and fleshy tissue of the philtrum in
order to insert jewelry.
This type of piercing is also sometimes referred to as a medusa piercing.
Philtrum piercings are not as common as some other types of facial piercings, but they are growing in popularity.
This type of piercing can be done with either a barbell or a ring, and it can be placed either horizontally or vertically.


How Is Philtrum Piercing Done?

Philtrum piercings are typically done with a hollow needle.
The piercer will mark the area where the jewelry will be placed and then insert the needle through the skin.
Once the needle is through, the piercer will insert the jewelry of your choice.


How Painful Is It?

Philtrum piercings are not typically painful, but everyone experiences pain differently.
Some people report feeling a sharp sting when the needle first goes through, while others only feel a bit of pressure.


What are the Risks & Complications that Can Occur With Philtrum Piercing?

Like any piercing, there is always a risk of infection.
Be sure to clean your piercing regularly and follow your piercer’s aftercare instructions.

Other Risks & Complications That Can Occur With Philtrum Piercings Include:





5.Rejection (when the body pushes the jewelry out)

If you experience any of these complications, it’s important to seek medical attention right away.


What is the Healing Time & Aftercare of Philtrum Piercing?

The healing time for philtrum piercings is typically 4-6 weeks, but it can take longer for some people.
During the healing process, it’s important to clean your piercing regularly and avoid touching it with dirty hands.
You should also avoid using mouthwash or alcohol-based cleaners as these can irritate the area.
Some people also find that using a sea salt solution (1/4 teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in 8 ounces of distilled water) helps
to speed up the healing process.
Simply soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply it to your piercing for 5-10 minutes 2-3 times per day.
In general, you should avoid putting any harsh chemicals near your piercing until it is completely healed.
This includes things like makeup, lotions, and perfumes.


How Long Does Philtrum Piercing Last?

Philtrum piercings can last a lifetime if they are properly cared for.
However, there is always a risk of the piercing being rejected by the body.
This is more likely to occur if you don’t take care of your piercing or if you try to change your jewelry too soon.


What Styles of Jewelry Fit for Philtrum Piercing?

The most common type of jewelry for philtrum piercings is a barbell.
This is because barbells tend to put less pressure on the piercing, which can help it to heal more quickly.
However, you can also wear rings in your philtrum piercing.
Some people even choose to wear captive bead rings, which have a small ball that “captures” the ends of the ring.
No matter what type of jewelry you choose, it’s important to make sure that it is made from high-quality materials.
This will help to reduce your risk of infection and other complications.
Stainless steel, titanium, and gold are all good choices for philtrum piercing jewelry.


How Much Does a Philtrum Piercing Cost?

The cost of a philtrum piercing can vary depending on the piercer, the jewelry, and the location. In general, you can expect
to pay anywhere from $30 to $100 for this type of piercing.


What is the Difference Between Philtrum to Medusa Piercings?

Philtrum piercings are typically done horizontally, while medusa piercings are done vertically. Medusa piercings are also
placed slightly higher than philtrum piercings.
Other than that, the two types of piercings are very similar.


Do Philtrum Piercings Leave Scars?

Any type of piercing can leave a scar, but this is more likely to occur if the piercing becomes infected or if it is rejected by
the body.
Be sure to clean your piercing regularly and follow your piercer’s aftercare instructions to reduce your risk of scarring.


How To Hide A Philtrum Piercing?

If you need to hide your philtrum piercing for work or other reasons, the best way to do this is to wear a retainer.
This is a small piece of jewelry that can be inserted into the piercing to keep it from Closing.
You can find retainers made from a variety of materials, including plastic, metal, and bio-flex.


What are the Different Types of Lip Piercings?

In addition to philtrum piercings, there are a number of other types of lip piercings that you can get.


The most common include:

Labret piercings

These piercings are done in the center of the lower lip.

They can be placed horizontally or vertically, depending on your preference.

Monroe piercings

Monroe piercings are done just above the upper lip, on one side.

They are named after Marilyn Monroe, who was known for having this type of piercing.

Medusa piercings

Medusa piercings are done in the center of the upper lip, directly under the septum.

This type of piercing is also sometimes called a philtrum piercing.

Dahlia piercings

Dahlia piercings are done on each side of the lower lip, in the horizontal direction.

They are similar to labret piercings, but they are placed further out on the lip.

Snake bites piercings

As the name suggests, snake bites piercings are two piercings that are done on each side of the lower lip.

They are typically placed symmetrically and can be done in a variety of different styles.

Angel bites piercings

Angel bites piercings are two piercings that are done on each side of the upper lip.

They are similar to Monroe piercings, but they are placed further out on the lip.

Cyber bites piercings

Cyber bites piercings are two piercings that are done on each side of the lower lip, in the vertical direction.

They are similar to snake bites piercings, but they are placed further out on the lip.

Canine bites piercings

Canine bites piercings are two piercings that are done on each side of the upper lip, in the vertical direction.

They are similar to angel bites piercings, but they are placed further out on the lip.

Madonna Piercings

Madonna piercings are done in the center of the upper lip, directly under the septum.

This type of piercing is also sometimes called a medusa piercing.

Ashley Piercings

Ashley piercings are done on each side of the upper lip, in the horizontal direction.

They are similar to Monroe piercings, but they are placed further out on the lip.

Smiley Piercing

A smiley piercing is done through the tissue that connects the upper lip to the gums, directly above the teeth.

This type of piercing is also sometimes called a frenulum piercing.

Koi Piercing

A koi piercing is done on each side of the lower lip, in the vertical direction.

They are similar to snake bites piercings, but they are placed further out on the lip.


Last Words

A philtrum piercing is a type of body modification that involves puncturing a hole through the philtrum, which is the area
of the upper lip that extends from the septum to the base of the nose.
This type of piercing is also sometimes called a medusa piercing.
Philtrum piercings can be done in a variety of different ways, including horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.
The jewelry that is most commonly used for this type of piercing includes barbells and labret studs.
If you are considering getting a philtrum piercing, it is important to consult with a professional piercer to ensure that it is
done correctly.
This type of piercing can be susceptible to infection if it is not done properly, so it is important to make sure that you are
taking the necessary precautions.

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